
If the ice machine is moved, not used for an extended
period of time, or will be in a area below 45
F (7.2
C), it
is necessary to remove the water from the ice making
TThhiiss iiccee mmaacchhiinnee mmuusstt hhaavvee aallll wwaatteerr ddrraaiinneedd aanndd rreemmoovveedd
ttoo pprreevveenntt iiccee mmaacchhiinnee ddaammaaggeess aass wweellll aass p
poossssiibbllee wwaatteerr
ddaammaaggee ttoo tthhee ssuurrrroouunnddiinngg aarreeaa iinn ffrreeeezziinngg ccoonnddiittiioonnss..
TThheessee ddaammaaggeess aarree nnoott ccoovveerreedd u
unnddeerr wwaarrrraannttyy..
SStteepp 11::
Clean the ice machine (refer to page 11.)
SStteepp 22::
Drain and remove water from ice making system.
1. Turn off the water supply to the ice machine.
2. Disconnect the water supply fitting at the inlet of the water valve.
3. Switch the rocker switch to “CLEAN” for approximately 1 minute. This will energize and open the water valve
and remove most of the water from the water valve and the water valve’s outlet water line to the reservoir.
4. Switch the rocker switch to “OFF”. This will energize and open the drain valve to drain the reservoir and the
ice machine drain system.
5. Unplug the unit from the electrical outlet.
6. Remove the back panel from the rear of the unit.
7. Disconnect the water valve’s outlet water line to the reservoir and drain the remaining water left in the water
line trap area.
8. Reconnect the water valve outlet water line and tighten the compression nut to a watertight seal.
9. Reinstall the unit’s back panel.
10. Clean and dry the ice machine’s storage bin.
11. Prop the door open for air circulation to prevent mold and mildew.
12. Leave the water supply line disconnected or reconnect the supply line and leave it shut off. DO NOT turn the
water and allow water to enter back into the water valve.
Drain water from optional drain pump, if applicable.
1. Remove the drain pump from the ice machine. (Refer to drain pump installation instructions).
2. Drain the water in the drain pump’s reservoir by running the pump upside down and allowing water to drain
through the pump’s inlet and vent tube fittings.
3. After all water is drained, reinstall the drain pump. Make certain all tubing is installed and all hose clamps are
tight. (Refer to drain pump installation instructions).
SStteepp 44::
Restart the ice machine when ready for use.
1. With the rocker switch in the “OFF” position, plug the unit into an electrical outlet.
2. Reconnect or turn on the water supply line.
3. Reconnect drain tubing if removed.
4. Turn the rocker switch to the “ON” position.
5. Check the water inlet, drain lines, and fittings for any water leaks.
6. Check drain pump, (if applicable), operation by pouring approximately 2 quarts (1.9 L) of water into the ice
storage bin. The drain pump should activate and discharge water. (Refer to drain pump installation
instructions). Check for water leaks at all hose connections.
Water keeps backing up Drain pump tubing kinked or
Check inlet, discharge, and vent line tubing for
into ice bin (drain pump). restricted any kinks or restrictions and repair as needed.
Inlet screen to the drain pump is Clean the inlet screen to the drain pump.
Drain pump and/or the ice machine Check and level the drain pump and the
are not level. ice machine if necessary.
The drain pump cycles on Vent line to the drain pump is Check the vent line for any restrictions or kinks
and off erratically. restricted or kinked. and repair as needed.
Discharge line is restricted or kinked. Check the discharge line and connection to the desired
drain for any restrictions or kinks and repair as needed.
The drain pump is not level. The drain pump must be level. Check for level on the
top of the drain pump case and adjust the tubing or use
shims to level.
DDoo nnoott uussee aannyy ttyyppee ooff aannttii--ffrreeeezzee oorr ootthheerr ssoolluuttiioonnss aass aa
ssuubbssttiittuuttiioonn ffoorr pprrooppeerrllyy ddrraaiinniinngg tthhee iic
cee mmaacchhiinnee..