Water Supply
•This ice machine must be connected to a potable, active cold water supply line delivering water pressure at a minimum
pressure of 20 psi and maximum of 120 psi.
•Water connection is made through a 1/4” (.64 cm) compression right angle garden hose fitting.
DDoo nnoott uussee aannyy tthhrreeaadd
sseeaalleerrss.. NNOOTTEE:: TThhee wwaatteerr lliinnee ffiittttiinngg ssuupppplliieedd wwiitthh yyoouurr iiccee mmaacchhiinnee iiss t
too bbee uusseedd oonn aa 11//44”” ((..6644 ccmm)) ccooppppeerr wwaatteerr ssuuppppllyy
lliinnee oonnllyy.. DDoo nnoott aattttaacchh aa ppllaassttiicc ssuuppppllyy lliinnee ttoo
yyoouurr uunniitt uussiinngg tthhiiss ffiittttiinngg..
••AA wwaatteerr ffiilltteerr iiss rreeccoommmmeennddeedd ffoorr tthhiiss uunniitt..
A quality filter can remove particles as well as remove taste and odors from water.
•Do not use a reverse osmosis water filtration system with the ice machine.
SSoofftteenneedd wwaatteerr iiss nnoott rreeccoommmmeennddeedd..
This will produce mushy, cloudy ice cubes that will stick together.
DDee--iioonniizzeedd w
waatteerr iiss nnoott rreeccoommmmeennddeedd
. This water will not form solid ice cubes.
•A water specialist can recommend proper water treatment.
•After installation of water line, turn on water and check for any leaks. Additional tightening may be needed.
DDoo nnoott uussee aannyy
ttyyppee ooff tthhrreeaadd sseeaalleerr..
•Allow extra water line for easy removal of unit and to help prevent the water line from kinking.
Rubber washer
Fitting valve
Compression fitting
Compression nut
1/4” (.64 cm) copper
water supply line
(supplied by customer)
From water supply
to ice machine