Important NotesImportant Notes
Important NotesImportant Notes
Important Notes
• These instructions are not intended to modify or circumvent
any company policies or procedures. Any differences, whether
stated or implied should be investigated before proceeding.
• Never pour any liquid or rust inhibitor in the machine, as it will
damage the blades.
Routine MaintenanceRoutine Maintenance
Routine MaintenanceRoutine Maintenance
Routine Maintenance
- Check driveline stability.
- Mounting integrity of compressor and pipework.
- Clear fan area and body of any obstructions.
- Run machine for 2-3 minutes.
- Air filter element is clean.
- PTO mounting bolts and transmission oil level.
- Drive shaft bearings.
- Compressor and pipework installation bolts.
- Check valve is functioning.
- Relief valve setting, 30psi for J150 ( optional 36 psi )
- Check compressor speed is maintained by governor
- No air leaks.
- Is engine speed label visible in cab?
- Check blade wear by measuring distance from the corner of
the rotor slot to the blade. Replace blade before
5/8” wear is reached.
Blade wear can be checked through the
suction port with calipers,after machine is turned off and cool.
• Inspect compressor mounting, driveline, PTO, and air filter for
• Check that the bleed valve is set to vent to atmosphere.
• Follow trailer instructions regarding product hose connection
and valve operation.
• Slowly engage PTO with engine at idle, and bring up to
operating speed shown on label.
Incorrect speed will cause compressor failure.Incorrect speed will cause compressor failure.
Incorrect speed will cause compressor failure.Incorrect speed will cause compressor failure.
Incorrect speed will cause compressor failure.
• Lock engine at recommended speed. The engine speed
must remain constant throughout the discharge cycle.
• Turn bleed valve to direct air into the tank.
• Unload trailer as per trailer manufacturer’s recommendation.
Do not exceed maximum tank pressure.
• If relief valve is operating, adjust bleed valve to reduce tank
Note: Do not decrease engine speed to reduce pressure.
Too low (or high) speed will cause compressor failure.
• When unloading is completed, open the bleed valve and
reduce pressure as per trailer manufacturer’s instructions.
• Check that all valves are in their correct shutdown positions.
• Disengage PTO.
Hydraulic Drive OperationHydraulic Drive Operation
Hydraulic Drive OperationHydraulic Drive Operation
Hydraulic Drive Operation
• Engage PTO and set correct engine speed.
• Operate the selector valve to start the compressor.
• Continue as PTO drive, use the selector valve to stop the
compressor when unloading is complete.
New Blade
Blade Replacement Fig 4Blade Replacement Fig 4
Blade Replacement Fig 4Blade Replacement Fig 4
Blade Replacement Fig 4
Failure to replace the
blades will eventually
result in machine failure.
Late blade change can
permanently damage the
machine so that future
blade life is reduced.
- -
- -
Worn Blade
A = 5/8”