Port FlangesPort Flanges
Port FlangesPort Flanges
Port Flanges
part numberpart number
part numberpart number
part number
Nut - 10mm (188010200)
Washer - 10mm (194010210)
Flange (508030207)
Gasket (526071201)
Bolt - 10 X 50mm (128010250)
Installation - NotesInstallation - Notes
Installation - NotesInstallation - Notes
Installation - Notes
• Allow 1” minimum clearance
around machine for cooling
• The relief valve must be
installed before starting the
compressor. Reduce the set
pressure by 1psi for each 2000 ft. of
operating altitude above sea level.
• Mount the relief valve horizontally or
pointed down to prevent water ingress.
• Do not exceed recommended drive line
• Check valve
must be mounted after the relief valve.
• Air line size from discharge pipework to manlid must be at
least 1” I.D. for adequate unloading rates.
• Ensure bolt head is placed down into the port recess when
installing port flanges.
• The compressor can be mounted on any of its 4
mounting faces as shown see Fig 2.
Mounting Foot
ort Flange and Mtgort Flange and Mtg
ort Flange and Mtgort Flange and Mtg
ort Flange and Mtg
Foot installationFoot installation
Foot installationFoot installation
Foot installation
Fig 2Fig 2
Fig 2Fig 2
Fig 2
within 2°
10° max.
Drive Line SpecificationsDrive Line Specifications
Drive Line SpecificationsDrive Line Specifications
Drive Line Specifications
Do not force end yokes or drive flange onto the
compressor or PTO shaft.
Use a tube type balanced PTO drive shaft, parallel
with the PTO output shaft axis within 2° to ensure
vibration-free running. The maximum driveline angle
is 10°.
Be sure U-joint yokes are in phase ( see Cauton note )
The mounting bolt pattern for the mounting
foot is a square pattern typical on each end.
This will allow the mounting foot to be located
so that the inlet and the outlet can be on the
top, bottom, right side or left side.
25mm dia.
8mm key