
... ',.. ".
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To program a frequency into a channel. press the digits of that frequency in-
cluding the decimal poInt and then. press the enter key. If an invalid frequency
is entered. the display will show ~Error", To
change a frequenoj enter the new
one and the old one will be erased.
To progJ"3m 162.550 into channef 2:
Press 2 MAN
Press 162.550 E
To program 471.2375 into channef 7:
Press 7 MAN
Press 4. 7 1
Multiple Entries
- When you press che ~E~key co enter the same frequency In
a different channel the LCO will snow the cnannei number of the current fre-
quenoj ~Ch 45~ Ifyou want co repeat Cnat Frequerlcj In the new c.f-]annel press
che ~E~ key agaIn. That Frequerlcj WIll now be programmed In both channels.
You can repeat a Frequencj as many tImes as deSIred.