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'Troubli<Slloo~"g .
Ifyour U8C 1OOXLTisnot performing up coyour expectations. try the steps listed
below. Ifyou cannot get satisfactory results you may need cosend your unIt in for
1.Scanner ;s not working properly.
A. Check the power connections. C. Make sure programmIng is correct.
8. Check the volume and squelch.
2. Signa. ;s weak or distorted.
A. Check antenna conneCrIon.
8. Check proper frequences.
3. Improper reception.
A. Check proper frequenCIes.
B. Reposition radio.
4. Scan won't stop.
A. Check squelch adjustmenr.
8. Check proper frequences.
5. Incamp.ete reception.
A. Frrnge area of recepClon
Keypad won't work.
A. Check keypad lock switch.
7. Priority wo'n't work.
A. Check squelch adjustment.
C. iv1akesure Frequency is actIve,
C. Chec:< antenna connection.
C. Chec~< antenna conneGion.
0 Chec:< :oc:<out.
B. Chec:< squelch acJustmenr.
S, Improper Frequency in Channel i.
The following accessories are available for your UgC !OOXLT at jour local cealer.
PS-~O1 Vehide Power Cord - ThIs power cord ISceslgned for use with the UgC
T in a vehIcle. Thisheavy duty cord comes complete with a cgarene lighter
connector and fuse.
BP-20S Extra Battery Pack - For heavy- use get an extra banery pack for jour
UgC 1OOXLT. Then, one can De cnarglng whr/e [he otner is In use.