The 4100 internal comms bus may be used to carry data from the CPU in the main cabinet
to expansion equipment in a co-located cabinet. 4100 data from the CPU may be routed to
remote cabinets (RTUs) in a MINIPLEX system by using the external RUI comms bus.
An RUI line, routed from either the CPU Motherboard in the 4100U, or the RUI card in
the 4100, allows the data to travel long distances. Once the RUI line terminates at a
remote cabinet, the TIC (4100U) or RIC (4100) in that cabinet distributes the CPU’s data
to the other modules within the cabinet.
Power has to be supplied locally within each RTU, or routed from the main FIP.
Figure 1-2, below, outlines this process in a typical MINIPLEX setup.
RUI Risers - 4 MAX (same channel)
(from CPU Motherboard or Remote
Unit Interface Card)
Transponders may be located
further apart (within the 2500'
limit) as called for by the
application requirements.
Risers from 4100U to
Remote Transponders
9th Floor
6th Floor
3rd Floor
RUI I/F Slave
Slave Slave
RUI I/F Slave
Slave Slave
RUI I/F Slave
Slave Slave
Although not shown, nested
RUI is supported up to one
level deep.
Figure 1-2. MINIPLEX 4100U System
MINIPLEX Configuration, Continued
RUI Communication