The Australian fire alarm standards differ from those in the USA. Shipping costs from
USA to Australia are significant, and the Australian market is small compared to the USA
market. It is therefore necessary to:
• have an Australian specific panel format that differs from the standard USA panel
• have some Australian specific components;
• limit the number of system components available in the Australian version.
The 4100U Operator Interface does not comply with the AS4428.1 requirements for an
FF (Firefighter Facility) that uses only an alphanumeric display for alarm zone status
indication. The basic firmware of 4100U does not accommodate zones as described in
AS4428.1. The standard SPS (System Power Supply) does not have the required charger
and battery supervision and test facilities. Therefore the following are required for an
Australian 4100U.
• Use a different Operator Interface front label (overlay) and keypad with “Trouble”
changed to “Fault”, “Supervisory” changed to “Isolate”. This overlay is also smaller
and has different text in the instructions on the bottom.
• Use an Australian version of the message library with “Trouble” changed to “Fault”,
“Supervisory” changed to “Isolate”.
• Configure the programmable control keys and indications on the Operator Interface
with the functions shown in Figure 2-7.
• Fit 8 Switch/16 LED Red/Yellow modules such that there is one switch plus one red
and one yellow LED per zone to give individual zone isolate and alarm indications.
• Configure zone and battery test functionality in custom control.
The custom control programming requirements are covered in Appendix B.
• Use an Australian version of the SPS (with a modified pcb and firmware). Because of
low quantity, only one format is available, and this excludes the standard XPS (2 slot
wide). The SPS communicates with the CPU Card. Note that in a Brigade connected
FIP, the SPS controls the Brigade Interface relays. If the CPU Card fails, or if the SPS
CPU fails, the Fault (Trouble) relay turns on. This watchdog action provided by the
SPS is statutory.
Summary Of Australian Version Specifics