
-141- LAN ARP Defense
You can configure IP-MAC Binding manually or by ARP Scanning. For the first time configuration,
please bind most of the ARP information by ARP Scanning. For some special items not bound, you
can bind them manually.
1) Scan and import the entries to ARP List
Specify ARP Scanning range.
Choose the menu FirewallAnti ARP SpoofingARP Scanning to load the configuration page. No
ARP attack in the local network is the premise of ARP Scanning.
Figure 4-16 ARP Scanning
Turn on all the hosts that need to be bound. Then click the <Scan> button, the scanning result will
display as below.
Figure 4-17 Scanning Result
Choose the menu FirewallAnti ARP Spoofing IP-MAC Binding to load the configuration page.
Select the ARP entries needed to be bound or click the <Select All> button, and then click the
<Import>button. The ARP List will display as the following figure shows.
Figure 4-18 ARP List
2) Set IP-MAC Binding Entry Manually
Configure the IP-MAC Binding entry manually and add it to ARP List.