Chapter 4 Application
4.1 Network Requirements
The company has established the server farms in the headquarters to provide the Web, Mail and FTP
services for all the staff in the headquarters and the branch offices, and to transmit the commercial
confidential data to its partners. The dedicated line access service was used by this company, which
costs greatly in network maintain and cable layout. With the business development of the company, it’s
required to establish an effective, safe and stable network with low cost for this company. The detailed
requirements are as follows:
Internet Access
This company has terminated the dedicated line access service but maintained one dedicated
line as the backup line, and has applied a high-bandwidth Fiber Access as the main line.
Remote Access
It’s required to build an effective and safe communication among the headquarters and the
branch offices, allow the staff on business to access the Mail Server and FTP Server in LAN,
and provide the remote access services for the cooperated partners.
Network Management
To avoid some of the staff using IM/P2P application at the working time to occupy a lot of
network bandwidth, it’s required to implement the online behavior management and to specify
the network bandwidth limit for each staff member.
Network Security
This enterprise network should be able to defend the common attacks from the internal or the
external network, such as ARP Attack and DoS Attack. Moreover, the real-time monitoring on
the network traffic is required.