AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
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4.7.4 Wireless MAC Filtering
Choose menu “Wireless
MAC Filtering”, you can control the wireless access by configuring
the Wireless MAC Filtering function, shown in
Figure 4-24.
Figure 4-39 Wireless MAC Filtering
To filter wireless users by MAC Address, click Enable. The default setting is Disabled.
MAC Address - The wireless station's MAC address that you want to filter.
Status - The status of this entry, either Enabled or Disabled.
Description - A simple description of the wireless station.
To Add a Wireless MAC Address filtering entry, click the Add New… button. The "Add or Modify
Wireless MAC Address Filtering entry" page will appear, shown in Figure 4-25:
Figure 4-40 Add or Modify Wireless MAC Address Filtering entry
To add or modify a MAC Address Filtering entry, follow these instructions: