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The recorder allows the user to adjust several different Motion Settings and create motion detection areas.
Create a Motion Area
1. On the Display screen, click Setup.
2. Click Motion Detection.
3. Select a camera from the Select Channel list.
4. Select Detect Detail Motion Area.
5. Click Clear Motion Area.
6. Click Setup Advanced Motion Area.
7. Click a Motion Detection Area shape button.
8. Drag the mouse over the camera image.
Note To create a polygon shape, click the mouse at each point and double-click to close
the shape.
9. Click OK.
10. Move the sliders to adjust motion sensitivity and the noise filter.
11. Define the pre-alarm and post-alarm recording time for a motion event.
Pre Alarm Recording – 0 - 120 Seconds [The number of seconds the recorder records before motion is detected—to ensure any motion
occurring between I-frames is captured, set to a value greater than 0]
Post Alarm Recording – 0 - 120 Seconds [The number of seconds the recorder records after it stops detecting motion]
Set up advanced
motion area
Set pre-
Set post-alarm recording and sensor
Reduce analog signal noise
from Motion Detection