32339AC 19
The Frame Setup menu allows configuration of the Frames Per Second (FPS), resolution, quality, and sensitivity of camera channels.
When configuring the FPS sliders, the blue slider represents the FPS the recorder will record during intensive recording and have
available for transmitting to remotely-connected systems. The Red Slider represents the FPS that will be recorded by the recorder under
normal recording conditions.
Note The total FPS of all blue sliders may not exceed the recording FPS of the recorder (based on model). The FPS of a red slider may
not exceed that of the blue slider for the same channel.
Note If MJPEG is selected as the recording codec, the dual sliders allow configuration of the recorder to record at a lower FPS while
still being able to view live video and transmit video at a higher FPS to remote connections. For example: If a camera channel is
set to 25 FPS (blue) and 7 FPS (red), the recorder will record at 7 FPS and users viewing live video at the recorder or remotely
can receive up to 25 FPS.
Maximum FPS Table
FPS Breakdown for Each Resolution
* Frames recorded in 720 x 240 are twice the size of the standard 360 x 240. When recording at 720 x 240, each frame assigned to the
channel will use two of the local frames available.
** Frames recorded in 720 x 480 are four times the size of the standard 360 x 240. When recording at 720 x 240, each frame assigned to
the channel will use four of the local frames available.
32-Channel Frame Allocation
32-channel models utilize two capture cards. When configuring cameras and allocating frames, the total frame rate for the recorder is split
between each capture card. Please reference the chart below for available frames for each grouping of channels.