Communication Conditions
Telephone line types
This internal modem can be connected to 2-wire analog subscriber
telephone lines (POTS lines) only.
Connectable lines (2-wire)
❖ Ordinary analog telephone lines with direct connection
❖ Corporate analog lines connected to a PBX
❖ Analog lines connected to a PBX, which, for example,
provide dial tone when the handset is picked up and permit
outgoing calls by dialing 9.
Unconnectable lines (4-wire)
❖ Business or home telephones that are connected to a key
service unit or a PBX.
WARNING: These are digital lines that can damage the
Lines that require pressing the (Line) button, for example “0,”
before dialing.
Dial modes
There are two types of dial modes, pulse dial and tone dial.
Generally, pulse dial lines are associated with rotary phones, but
there may be cases where a push button phone is connected to a
pulse dial line, so it is not possible to identify the type of line
simply by looking at the phone. If you are not sure what type of
line you are using, check an ordinary direct line by the following
AT command, where n is the outside number:
ATDTn Enter