AT Commands
AT command formats
Result Codes:
In Request ID information
This command displays product information about the modem.
OK n=0,1
ERROR Otherwise
I0 Returns modem identity string and driver version
number, same as 13.
I1 Calculates ROM checksum and displays it on the DTE.
I2 Performs a ROM check and calculates and verifies the
checksum displaying OK or ERROR.
I3 Returns modem identity string and driver version
number, same as I0
I4 Returns firmware version for data pump.
I5 Returns the code ver, board ID, country ID and
subsystem vendor ID.
I6-8 Returns OK for compatibility.
I9 Returns country ID in English.
I11 The ATI11 result has two pages; you must hit a key to get
the second page. See the following example:
ATI11 Description V.90
1 Last Connection V.90
2 Initial transmit Carrier Rate 28800
3 Initial Receive Carrier Rate 49333
4 Final Transmit Carrier Rate 28800
5 Final Receive Carrier rate 49333
6 Protocol Negotiation Result LAPM