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6.6.6. nvoDrvFeedback (Velocity Feedback)
Output network variable
SNVT type: SNVT_switch (95)
It provides stopped / running status and low resolution output speed of the motor.
- Specification
value state
N/A 0 Stop
0.0 to 127.5% 1
Drive at 0.0 to 127.5% speed.
value = (Drive frequency) / nciNmlFreq / |nviDrvSpeedScale|
N.B.: When the speed exceeds the 127.5%, “value” is limited to 127.5%
If “nviDrvSpeedScale” was set to 0, nvoDrvFeedback.value shows 0.0%.
The value exceeded to the resolution will be rounded.
6.6.7. nvoStatusWord (Inverter Status)
Output network variable
SNVT type: SNVT_state (83)
It provides the inverter status.
- Format:
Bit Description 0 1
0 Fault No fault Fault
1 Warning No warning Warning
2 Running Stopped Running
3 Rotation Forward Reverse
4 Ready Disable Enable
5 Command from the network Not from the network From the network
6 Setpoint from the network Not from the network From the network
7 At setpoint Setpoint not reached Setpoint reached
8-15 (reserved) ---------------- ----------------
N.B.: On LIU007Z, “At setpoint” bit could work under the condition that VF-FS1 software version was
V106 or successor,
6.6.8. nvoDrvAlarm (Alarm)
Output network variable
SNVT type: SNVT_switch (95)
It provides the inverter fault.
- Status
value state
0% 0 No fault
100% 1 Fault
*Refer to “nvoAlarmWord” for detail fault information.