12. MMI Port Use / GSD Files
The PBDP-110 Profibus Interface is equipped with an on-board RS232 Man-
Machine Interface (MMI) port. This port allows the unit to communicate to a
standard personal computer via its serial (COM) port. This can be
accomplished by using the 2-meter DB9-to-RJ45 MMI port cable provided with
your interface kit.
Current support for the MMI port is provided by the free ICC Flashloader utility,
which runs on Microsoft Windows platforms. This utility allows the interface’s
internal flash memory to be upgraded in the field, providing alternative control
data, new parameter access, and future drive series support.
We are continually striving to enhance the functionality and flexibility of our
products, and therefore periodically release new embedded firmware to
achieve these goals and meet customer requests. The Flashloader utility,
usage instructions, new flash firmware files and all related documentation
(such as updated user manuals and GSD files) can be downloaded as
complete support packages from http://www.iccdesigns.com
. It is suggested
that you check this internet site prior to installation, and then periodically
afterwards to determine if new support packages have been released and are
available to upgrade your interface unit.