User’s Manual
6. RAS Information
6.3 Trouble shooting
When AS311 does not work properly, check the following points.
When AS311’s RUN Does the POWER LED on If no, check the power
LED does not light; the T3 power supply module voltage/connection.
light ?
If no, check the internal
5 Vdc current
Is the AS311 mounted Remove the AS311,
securely on the base ? and mount again
When RX1/RX2 LED Are the transmission Check the cable
does not light while signals (RXD, SG, etc.) connection.
the connected device is connected properly ?
transmitting a message;
When the received data Does the receive error Check the transmission
cannot be read properly; occur ? parameters (baudrate,
parity, etc.).
Check the cable
Confirm the receive
error information.
Is the T3 program working Check the T3 program.
correctly ?
When a data cannot be Does the transmit error Confirm the transmit
transmitted from the occur ? error information.
AS311 (TX1/TX2 LED
does not light); Check the T3 program.
Is the CTS signal Check the cable
connected properly ? connection.
If CTS signal is OFF,
data transmitting
is prohibited.