48 Listing Services
You can move the highlight key horizontally
with the
V− and
V+ buttons and vertically
with the
P+ and
P− buttons. Pressing the
buttonon akey entersitsletter inthe inputline.
To typea space,select theSpace key. To typelower caseletters
or numerals, select the Other key. To delete a letter, put the
cursor on a desired letter at the input line and then select the
Del key. You must select the Save key to complete naming;
otherwise, if you press the
EXIT button, it will not be named.
To rename a group, put the highlight bar on a desired group
you wish to rename and press the
F2 button; then the on-
screen keyboard will appear as above.
To deletea group, putthe highlightbaron adesiredgroup you
wish to delete and press the
F3 button; then a confirmation
box appears. If you select Yes, it will be deleted.
Similarly, you can delete a favorite entry with the
OK button
in the favorite list. Besides, you can rearrange a group’s fa-
vorites by moving a favorite entry. To move a favorite entry,
put the highlight bar on a desired entry to move and press the
F2 button; then the selected entry becomes dark. Move it to a
desired place and press the
OK button.
To add radio services, press button; then radio service en-
tries will be listed in the service list. To recall the television
service list after adding radio services, press button again.
With yourfavorite servicelist, you canselect yourfavorite ser-
vices more easily. Refer to § 5.2 for more information.
6.3 Transferring receiver data
The digital receiver retains such data as follows: