4.1 Searching broadcasting services 31
• Searching one service of a transponder.
• Searching every service of a SMATV (Satellite Master
Antenna Television) transponder.
To search every service of a satellite, perform the following
1. Choose your desired satellite at the Satellite Name op-
2. Set the Search Mode option to Auto.
To search every service of a transponder, perform the follow-
ing steps:
1. Choose your desired satellite at the Satellite Name op-
2. Set the Search Mode option to Manual.
3. Choose your desired transponder at the Frequency op-
tion or input it with the numeric buttons.
4. Input the symbolrate of yourdesired transponder tothe
Symbol Rate option with the numeric buttons.
5. Set thePolarizationoption tothe polarizationof your de-
sired transponder.
You could get the transponder information from a satellite
magazine or web site such as http://www.satcodx.com or
To search one service of a transponder, perform the following
1. Choose your desired satellite at the Satellite Name op-
2. Set the Search Mode option to Advanced.