C, CM and CJ Oven Error Code Messages…continued
Error Code
Probable Cause
Corrective Action
Lower Door Signal
Shorted Low.
Defective or jammed lower
oven door or latch switches.
Check header P5 on the power/relay board and P11 on both
power/relay board and control display PCB. Ensure door
switch is operating properly. Check that the door switch wire
is not pinched to the appliance chassis. If F80 persists, replace
power/relay board. If F80 still persists, replace control display
Lower Door Stuck
Defective or jammed lower
oven door or latch switches.
Check header P5 on the power/relay board. Ensure door latch
Switches are operating properly. Check that neither latch
switch wire is pinched to the appliance chassis. If F81
persists, replace power/relay board.
Lower oven door
position error (locked &
Defective or jammed lower
oven door or latch switches.
Check header P5 and P0 on the power/relay board and P11 on
both power/relay board and control display PCB. Ensure door
and latch switches are operating properly. Check that no door
or latch switch wire is pinched to the appliance chassis. If F82
persists, replace power/relay board.
Lower door stuck
Defective or jammed lower
oven door or latch switches
Check header P5 on the power/relay board. Ensure door latch
switches are operating properly. Check that neither latch
switch wire is pinched to the appliance chassis. If F83
persists, replace power/relay board.
Lower latch input
Defective or jammed lower
oven door or latch switches.
Check header P5 on the power/relay board. Ensure door latch
switches are operating properly. Check that neither latch
switch wire is pinched to the appliance chassis. If F84
persists, replace power/relay board.