C, CM and CJ Oven Error Code Messages…continued
Error Code
Probable Cause
Corrective Action
Upper Oven Cooling Fan
Air Switch Not Detected.
1. Air Switch. 2.
Cooling Fan. 3. An
Open Circuit In The
Upper Oven Air
Switch Wiring.
1. Replace air switch. 2. Replace cooling fan. 3. Check all
connections. Check that the solder joints in header P6 on the
control display PCB are not broken.
“F40” Upper Meat Probe Shorted
A Short Circuit In The
Meat Probe Wiring.
Check header P2 on the control display PCB. Check that
neither meat probe wire is pinched to the appliance chassis. If
F40 persists, replace the control display PCB.
Upper Door Signal Shorted
Defective Or Jammed
Upper Oven Door Or
Latch Switches.
Check header P9 on the power/relay board and P11 on both
power relay board and control display PCB. Ensure Door
Switch is operation properly. Check that the door switch wire
is not pinched to the appliance chassis. If F50 Persists, replace
power/relay board. If F50 Still persists, replace control
display PCB.
Upper Door Stuck
Defective Or Jammed
Upper Oven Door Or
Latch Switches.
Check header P9 on the power/relay board. Ensure door latch
switches are operating properly. Check that neither latch
switch wire is pinched to the appliance chassis. If F51
persists, replace power/relay board.