Error Cause Corrective Action
Runaway lower temperature
a) Oven powered on when
temperature inside oven is
b) Intermittent or bad
temperature sensor.
c) Heating element relay stuck
1. Allow oven to cool down <650°F before turning power on.
2. Check P24 connector on the Power Board.
3. Unplug the sensor connector and check lower sensor resistance
(approximately 1080 ohms at room temperature with connector
4. If sensor is OK, replace Power Board.
5. Check wiring to heating element. If OK, replace Power Board.
Runaway upper (or single)
oven temperature (>950°F).
a) Intermittent or bad
temperature sensor.
b) Heating element relay stuck
1. Check P4 connector on the Power Board.
2. Unplug the upper (or single) oven sensor connector and check
sensor resistance (approximately 1080 ohms at room temperature
with connector removed). If sensor is OK, replace Power Board.
3. Check wiring to heating element. If OK, replace Power Board.