C, CM and CJ Oven Error Code Messages…continued
Error Code
Probable Cause
Corrective Action
Multiple Touch Input
Keys Stuck.
Control Display PCB Or Touch
Check all connections between the control display PCB and
the touch panel. Make sure that there are no objects in close
Proximity to the front and back sides of the touch panel
pads. Replace control display PCB, if persists replace touch
Upper Oven Sensor
A Short Circuit In The Upper
Oven Sensor Wiring.
Check all connections, especially P3 on the power/relay
board. Check resistance of upper oven sensor
(approximately 1080 ohms at room temperature). Check that
neither sensor wire is pinched to the appliance chassis. If
sensor is OK, replace power/relay board.
Upper Oven Sensor
An Open Circuit In The Upper
Oven Sensor Wiring.
Check all connections. Check resistance of upper oven
sensor (approximately 1080 ohms at room temperature).
Check that the Solder joints in header P3 on the power
board are not broken. If Sensor is OK, replace power/relay
Upper Oven Over
Temperature While
Intermittent Temp. Sensor Or
Power/Relay Board.
Check header P3 on the power/relay board. Check resistance
of Upper oven sensor (approximately 1080 ohms at room
temperature). If sensor is OK, replace power/relay board.
Upper Oven Over
Temperature While
1. Power To The Oven Was
Turned On When Temperature
Inside Oven is Over 550 F.
2. Intermittent Temperature
Sensor Or Power/Relay Board.
1. Allow oven to cool below 550 F before turning power on.
2. Check header P3 on the power/relay board. Check
resistance of upper oven sensor (approximately 1080 ohms
at room temperature). If sensor is OK, replace power/relay
board. Check header P3 on the power/relay board.