
8052 Instruction Set
JNZ Jump if Accumulator Not Zero
Syntax JNZ reladdr
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
JNZ relAddr 0x70 2 2 None
JNZ branches to the address indicated by relAddr if the accumulator contains
any value except 0. If the value of the accumulator is zero, program execution
continues with the instruction following the JNZ instruction.
See also: JZ
JZ Jump if Accumulator Zero
Syntax JZ reladdr
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
JZ relAddr 0x60 2 2 None
JZ branches to the address indicated by relAddr if the accumulator contains
the value 0. If the value of the accumulator is not zero, program execution con-
tinues with the instruction following the JNZ instruction.
See also: JNZ
LCALL Long Call
Syntax LCALL address16
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
LCALL address16 0x12 3 2 None
LCALL calls a program subroutine. LCALL increments the program counter by
3 (to point to the instruction following LCALL) and pushes that value onto the
stack , low byte first, high byte second. The program counter is then set to the
16-bit value address16, causing program execution to continue at that address.
See also: ACALL, RET
LJMP Long Jump
Syntax LJMP address16
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
LJMP address16 0x02 3 2 None
LJMP jumps unconditionally to the specified address16.
See also: AJMP, SJMP, JMP