
8052 Instruction Set
JB Jump if Bit Set
Syntax JB bitAddr,relAddr
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
JB bitAddr,relAddr 0x20 3 2 None
JB branches to the address indicated by relAddr if the bit indicated by bitAddr
is set. If the bit is not set, program execution continues with the instruction fol-
lowing the JB instruction.
See also: JBC, JNB
JBC Jump if Bit Set and Clear Bit
Syntax JBC bitAddr,relAddr
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
JBC bitAddr,reladdr 0x10 3 2 None
JBC branches to the address indicated by relAddr if the bit indicated by bitAddr
is set. Before branching to relAddr, the instruction clears the indicated bit. If the
bit is not set, program execution continues with the instruction following the
JBC instruction and the value of the bit is not changed.
See also: JB, JNB
JC Jump if Carry Set
Syntax JC relAddr
Instructions OpCode Bytes Cycles Flags
JC relAddr 0x40 2 2 None
JC branches to the address indicated by relAddr if the carry bit is set. If the
carry bit is not set, program execution continues with the instruction following
the JC instruction.
See also: JNC