P6701B and P6703B Specifications
P6701B, P6703B, and P6723 Service Manual
Table 1: P6701B and P6703B warranted electrical characteristics (cont.)
Humidity Operating: 0--90% RH, tested at
+30to+50_ C
Nonoperating: 0--90% RH, tested at
+30to+60_ C
Altitude Operating: 4,572 m (15,000 ft)
Nonoperating: 15,240 m (50,000 ft)
Typical Characteristics
Typical characteristics (Table 2) describe typical but not guaranteed performance.
Table 2: P6701B and P6703B typical electrical characteristics
Effectiv e wavelength range P6701B: 500 to 950 nm
P6703B: 1100 t o 1650 nm
Wavelength dependent gai n SeeFigure1
Optical bandwidth P6701B: ≥ 1.0 GHz
P6703B: ≥ 1.2 GHz
Rise time P6701B: ≤ 475 ps
P6703B: ≤ 390 ps
(peak optic al signal i nput < 100 W
Aberrations ≤±15% peak optical signal input < 200 W