P6701B, P6703B, and P6723 Service Manual
P6701B and P6703B Specifications
The specifications in Tables 1 through 3 apply to a P6701B or P6703B O/E
converter. The converter must have a warm-up period of at least 20 minutes and
be in an environment that does not exceed the limits described in Table 1.
Specifications for the P6701B and P6703B O/E converters fall into three
categories: warranted, typical, and nominal characteristics.
Warranted Characteristics
Warranted characteristics (Table 1) describes guaranteed performance within
tolerance limits or certain type-tested requirements. Warranted characteristics
that have checks in the Performance Verification section of the service manual
(070-9892-XX) are marked with the n symbol.
Table 1: P6701B and P6703B warranted electrical characteristics
DC optical input dynamic range DC electrical out will meet conversion gain specifications up to
11 mW (0 dBm) peak optical power input
Absolute maximum non-destruct ive optical input 10 mW average power; 20 mW peak power
n DC conversion gain P6701B: 1 V/mW ± 8% at DC, 780 nm
P6703B: 1 V/mW ± 8% at DC, 1310 nm
n AC conversion gain P6701B: 1 V/mW ± 8%, with ≤ 100 W
optical m odulati on,
780 nm
P6703B: 1 V/mW ± 8%, with ≤ 100 W
optical m odulati on,
1310 nm
n Output zero ≤±1mVinto50Ω,20to25_ C
n Noise equivalent power
(with 1 GHz low-pass filter)
P6701B: ≤ 0.87 W
P6703B: ≤ 0.59 W
(≤ 28 pWፒ Hz
(≤ 19 pWፒ Hz
Output im pedance 50 Ω ± 10%
Temperature Operating: 0 t o +50_ C
Nonoperating: --40 to +71_ C