D 13373.08
Table of
System Status
SIP Status
Mode - Shows if the SIP service is enabled or not.
Server Status
Show status towards the configured SIP server i.e. whether or
not the MPS can find a server. Possible states are:
INACTIVE - SIP server not in use•
DNS FAILED - DNS not set, external DNS server not found •
or SIP server address not found at DNS server
TIMEOUT - SIP server not answering.•
UNABLE CONNECT TCP - Unable to connect to SIP server •
on TCP
ACTIVE - Normal case, when server is found.•
UNKNOWN - Status unknown•
Server Address - Shows the connected SIP server address. If
no server is selected, the normal state will be Off
Server Authentication - Shows if server NTLM or Digest
Authentication is turned On or Off
One status line for each possible conference, all with their
own unique SIP URI. Possible states are:
INACTIVE - No SIP URI’s have been logged on to server. In •
cases where the server Authentication is off, the different
SIP URI’s don’t need to be registered, and will be reported
as inactive
REGISTERING - The server is registering the Conference •
REGISTERED - The Conference URI is registered on the SIP •
DEREGISTERING - The conference URI is deregistering •
from the SIP server.
FAILED - The SIP server failed to register the URI•
SIP Status