D 13373.08
Table of
SIP Conguration
NOTE: The DNS must be configured on the IP configuration page when using SIP
Network Configuration
SIP Mode
On: Set the SIP mode to On to enable the system for incom-
ing and outgoing SIP calls.
Off: Set the SIP mode to Off to disable incoming and outgo-
ing SIP calls from the system
Server Address
The Server Address is the manually configured address for
the outbound proxy and registrar. It is possible to use a fully
qualified domain name, or an IP address. The default port is
5060 for TCP and UDP, but another one can be provided.
Save - Press the Save button to save changes.
Default Transport Protocol
Sets the default transport protocol towards the SIP server.
TCP: Set TCP as the default transport protocol.
UDP: Set UDP as the default transport protocol.
The most convenient transport protocol differs from server
to server. i.e. when Server Type is set to “Nortel”, the trans-
port default should be UDP, when set to “Microsoft LCS
server” it should be TCP.
Authentication User Name / Authentication Password
This is the user name part and password part of the creden-
tials used to authenticate toward the SIP Server.
Server Type
Set the correct SIP server type to let the MPS communicate
with the SIP server. The following selections are available:
Auto, Nortel, Microsoft, Cisco, Alcatel, Experimental.
SIP Conguration
Current RFC’s and Drafts Supported
Read about the Current RFC’s and
Drafts Supported for SIP in the Ap-
pendices section.