
Options and Upgrades
Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder Page 3-23
RS-232/RS-422 Data Output
A 9-way D-type socket provides the data outputs.
Table 3.17: RS232/RS422 Data Output Connector
Item Specification
Connector Type 9-way D-type Socket
Connector designation RS232/RS422 DATA
Pin-outs 1 RS422_CLK_A
2 RS232_RXD
3 RS232_TXD
4 No Connection
5 Ground
6 RS422_CLK_B
7 No Connection
8 RS422_DATA_A
9 RS422_DATA_B
3.9 QPSK Demodulator (M2/EOM2/QPSKDEMOD)
3.9.1 Overview
The M2/EOM2/QPSKDEMOD QPSK Demodulator Option is supported by Build version 3.1 and later.
The module allows the Encoder to receive and demodulate satellite
transmissions that comply to EN 300 421 (DVB-S). It must be used with
an SD Decoder Module (M2/EOM2/DEC), which takes and decodes the
transport stream produced by the demodulator.
The module has three inputs; an IF input that operates over a frequency
range of 50 MHz to 180 MHz, and –20 dBm to –40 dBm input power, and
two L-Band inputs that operate over a frequency range of 950 MHz to
2150 MHz, and –25 dBm to –65 dBm input power.
It can normally receive signals with symbol rates in the range 1 to 45
Msymbol/s, but if the low symbol rate option (M2/EOS2/LSYM) is
purchased this can be expanded to cover 0.3 to 45 Msymbol/s.