
Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder Index-3
dolby digital ac-3, 1-12
dolby srnd mode option, 4-60
DST end date
ATSC, 4-21
DST start date
ATSC, 4-21
dynamic range option, 4-62
protective, 2-8
technical, 2-8, 2-13
earthing, 2-7, 2-9
ECM (CA) PID option, 4-102
capability for e57xx encoders, K-3
EDH. See error detection and handling. See error detection
and handling
capability for e57xx encoders, 2-13
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), vi, 2-3
cables used during EMC testing, B-19
embedded 1-2 DID option, 4-64
embedded 3-4 DID option, 4-64
EMC. See electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
enc session word option, 4-96, 4-101
enclosure, 1-16
encoder settings for PAL/NTSC video performance figures,
encoder type option, 4-45
modes, 1-8
RS-232 option, 4-67
encoding option, 4-67, 4-68
environment, 2-3
environmental conditions, B-17
access, 2-5
models, 1-3
error detection and handling (EDH), 2-13
error masks menu, 4-117
restore defaults, 4-118
error menu, 6-5
error messages, H-3
errors menu, 4-117
ETS 300 294, 1-14, 4-51
ETS 300 472, 4-51
external delay option, 4-57
factory 525 defaults option, 4-122
factory default configurations, 4-120
fan control option, 4-28
fans, 6-3. See also ventilation
fault-finding, 6-3, 6-7
breaks in transmission, 6-9
fans not working/overheating, 6-11
preliminary checks, 6-7
FCC, 2-4
FEC (HP) and FEC (LP) option, 4-74
FEC (inner) option, 4-76, 4-77
FEC (outer) option, 4-76
FEC rate option, 4-80, 4-84, 4-86, 4-106
field/frame option, 4-43
field/frame pictures option, 6-10
firmware release option, 4-66
fixing bracket
fitting, 2-5
foreign language
manuals, ii
FPGA firmware option, 4-94
frame rate, 4-33
frame rate option, 4-33
frame synchroniser
internal, 1-10
frequency option, 4-73, 4-76, 4-77, 4-84, 4-106, 4-107
frequency sources
accuracy, I-1
front panel
indicators, 1-16, 1-17, G-5
LEDs, 1-16
ac, 6-8
carrier, 6-9
replacement, 6-8
gateway address option, 4-24
general menu, 4-26
GOP length option, 4-43
GOP structure option, 4-42
greenwich mean time (GMT), 4-27
guard interval option, 4-75, 4-86
handling the encoder, 2-3
configuration, 1-5
reference number, 1-5
hardware release option, 4-64, 4-66, 4-70
hierarchy option, 4-74
host bit-rate option, 4-96
connector, 2-13
ident text option, 4-34
IF frequency option, 4-79
IF modulation
e5714, 1-15
e5715, 1-15
e5740, 1-15
e5750, 1-15
IF output
main connector, 2-18
monitor connector, 2-19
IF output option, 4-78, 4-87
IF power option, 4-79
impedance option, 4-58
information label, 1-5
input clip level option, 4-65
input format, 4-65
input level l (left) option, 4-55
input level r (right) option, 4-56
input monitor, 4-12
2U, 4-12
input monitor screen, 2-21
input source, 4-33
input source option, 4-33
input termination option, 4-35, 4-65
routine, 6-3
installation, 2-3
installing the equipment, 2-4
IP address