PCK Emulation
Reactivated/Host Connection Established Message
This default message displays once the station has received polls from the host, or if a host
connection is established after being out of service.
Figure 5-3. Reactivated/Connection Established Message
Display Control Characters
The following control characters are supported within display messages. Note that the
exact position of the cursor after a VT, FF, or CR depends on the size of the currently
selected font.
Table 5-3. Display Control Characters
Control Character Hex Representation Function
VT 0BH Clear display & go to top left position
FF 0CH Clear display & go to top left position
CR 0DH Go to left-most position of next line
SO 0EH Shift Out: Set the shift state that
causes the most significant bit of all
subsequent characters to be flipped.
This allows 7-bit systems to access
codes 160-255, and 8-bit systems to
access codes 0-31. Note: Codes 0-3
are not shifted.
SI 0FH Shift In: Resets the shift state set by the
Shift Out code. The shift state is also
reset at the end of every packet sent to
the MK1000.