
PCK Emulation
Host Communication Commands
Table 5-2 lists the commands used in host communications.
PCK Ethernet & RS-232 Communication Protocol
When communicating to the host terminal via Ethernet or RS-232, MK1000 data is
formatted as follows:
Table 5-2. Host Communication Commands
Control Character Hex Representation Description
<STX> 02 ASCII Start of Text
<ETX> 03 ASCII End of Text
<SOH> 01 ASCII Start of Header
<EOT> 04 ASCII End of Transmission
<DATA> 00-FF Data packet. This is the actual data being
sent to the MK1000. The maximum size of
the packet is 300 bytes, but under 50 is
recommended for accurate communication.
<LRC> 00-FF Used for error detection, LRC is the
Exclusive-OR (XOR) of all characters in
<DATA> and the <ETX>.
<ADDR> 30-4F The address of the MK1000 when used in a
485 network. Each unit is assigned a unique
<ENQ> 05 ASCII Enquiry
<ACK> 06 ASCII Acknowledge
<NAK> 15 ASCII Negative Acknowledge