At grassroot level.
In the garden of our dreams we all have a lush green, tightly-grown and well-cut lawn. In real life the picture may be some-
what different. What the school book tells us is that the difference lies in nutrition, water and care. What it forgets to
mention is the shortcut called Multiclip.
It normally takes three steps to get a good result: cut, collect and remove the cuttings, water and add nutrition. At Stiga,
we have simplified the process so that you cut and fertilize in one go. In the same action, water is retained at the grass roots
so that the lawn can go longer without watering. The secret is Stiga’s unique mulching technology, Multiclip.
In only a couple of days, the grass cuttings are broken down and become natural fertiliser. Because you skip the collec-
tion stage cutting is easier and faster. Despite spending minimal time on garden work, you can compete with the neighbours
for the best lawn in the area.
The actual Multiclip technology is made
possible by a new system of specially designed
blades and an aerodynamic and sound-
absorbent deck.
The grass whirls around inside the deck, where
it is finely chopped. The clippings then land
on your newly-mown lawn, where they supply
In the next stage, the grass clippings are broken
down and turn into natural fertilizer.
This symbol is for professionals who require
a completely vibration-free machine that
they can operate all day long without suf-
fering from white fingers or muscular
contractions. The P0 symbol indicates that
the machine does not cause any discomfort
despite being used for up to eight hours.
Many of our products carry the Swan
symbol, which is a Nordic enironmental
symbol for products with low emissions of e.g.
noise and exhaust fumes. The Swan symbol
means that our entire production process,
from the choice of raw materials and manu-
facture through to scrapping and recycling,
has been checked and approed from an
enironmental perspective.
This symbol can be found on lawn mowers
that have galanized coers. The five means
that the coer has a 5-year rust-protection
guarantee. Here, too, we have been inspired
by the automotive industry. The result is a
coer with good rust protection.
The Al symbol means that the coer is made
of aluminium. We use the same impact-
resistant grade of aluminium that is used in
car wheel rims, and therefore give a 20 year
guarantee on the cutting deck for normal use.
This symbol means that the lawn mower
is supplied with a control for four different
propulsion speeds. The speed of the blade is
always the same, however. This means that
you can always adapt your speed according
to the grass you want to cut.
Would you like to save money and protect
the enironment? Look for this symbol,
which means that the lawn mower runs on
E85 ethanol fuel, an economical fuel with
a very low impact on the enironment.
Our symbols
Stiga is naturally the best symbol we can imagine on garden machinery.
But you will also find other symbols on our products. Here you can see what they mean.