Keep it short!
It is easier than you may think to help nature on its way. Let us reveal a few secrets! If you love gardening
but lack time, using Stiga’s unique mulching technology means a minimum of effort, nurturing the grass
and retaining water along the way so as to lessen the need for articial fertilizers and excessive watering.
Good for the body, environment, and wallet alike!
Beyond that, the innovative year 2008 brings a number of new features and products from the Stiga
brand. For the environmentally concerned, our new, genuine Stiga engine running on ethanol is a giant
leap forward. The enhanced front-mounted cutting deck, tailored to fit the entire Front mower range,
wins applause from professional and amateur gardeners alike. Also worth attention is the new urban
lawn mower, Primo, a ride-on with a distinct attitude, fit for a design-conscious market.
In other words, things are just as you would expect. Stiga keeps taking responsibility for
making your front garden the pride of the neighbourhood. Enjoy the 76-page ride!
To achieve a dense, even green carpet, cut the top 1/3 of the grass each time you mow. Just as pinching a garden plant improes its appearance,
the grass blades grow strong, healthy and dense.