For Diamond Saws with Serial Number 357 and above
follow steps a thru e.
For Diamond Saws with Serial Number 356 and below,
follow steps 10 thru 13.
a. Install the o-ring (43). Push in until it contacts the bearing
b. Install seal washer (94) and the retainer ring (98).
c. Install v-ring (95) onto seal ring (96) then with both in
hand, apply a small amount of 242 Loctite
to the bore of
the seal ring (96). Make sure it is applied around the entire
bore of the seal ring, then slide both parts onto the motor
d. Install the seal spacer (47) and then the retainer ring
e. Install items 58, 48, 49 and e-clip (60).
10. Apply grease and install a new v-ring seal (95) into
the seal washer (94). Apply grease and install a new o-ring
onto the seal keeper. Insert the seal ring (96) into the seal
washer and then install the seal spacer and seal keeper
onto the motor shaft as an assembly. Press the assembly
against the bearing and then install the retaining ring (98).
11. Apply grease and install a new o-ring (97) onto the
motor shaft. Slide the o-ring against the seal spacer. Install
the spacer (47) and support washer (100).
12. Install the sprocket (48) over the Trantorque™ adapter
cap (49) and then install this assembly onto the motor
shaft. While gripping the sprocket, hand tighten the
hex head of the Trantorque™ adapter cap by turning it
13. Slide the sprocket wrench (84) over the sprocket (48).
While gripping the sprocket wrench and using an open end
wrench, tighten the hex head on the Trantorque™ adapter
(49) clockwise to 17 lb. ft./23 Nm.
1. Back the bar adjustment nut (70) off by turning the ad-
justment screw (68) counter clockwise.
2. Install the chain (73) onto the bar (61). Make sure the
chain is installed so that the bumper guards precede the
segments. See the section titled 'OPERATION".
3. Install the chain guide plate (65) over the stud (66) as
shown in the parts illustration.
4. Place the bar (with chain) over the studs making sure
the chain is looped around the sprocket and the bar adjust-
ment nut is seated in the hole on the bar. While holding
the bar and chain in place, turn the adjustment screw (68)
clockwise to take the slack out of the chain. Install the chain
guard (50) and the 2 nuts (51). Hand tighten the 2 nuts and
then back them off 1/4 turn.
5. Adjust the chain tension by turning the adjustment screw
(68) in accordance with the instructions contained in the
6. When adjustments are completed, be sure to tighten the
nuts (51).