Figure 25. Removing Old Nose Sprocket
3. Remove the new nose sprocket package's clips and fold
back the top portion of the insertion card being careful not
to remove or disturb the components. See Figure 26.
Figure 26. Preparing New Nose Sprocket
4. With a fl at blade screw driver in the bar nose rails, slide
the nose sprocket assembly into position aligning the 6
holes in the bar nose with the 6 holes in the nose sprocket
assembly without removing the components from the card.
See Figure 27.
Figure 27. Installing a New Nose Sprocket
5. Insert 6 nose rivets into the holes and then hold them
with your thumb. Remove the screwdriver and slide out the
insertion card.
Note: On used bars the nose rails might tend to spread
apart. Use a small clamp if necessary to hold the rails
6. With the bar and rivets solidly supported on a strong fl at
steel surface, carefully peen the rivet heads down with the
fl at end of a hammer. Be careful to only hit the rivet head.
Do not hit the bar body; this will pinch the nose sprocket.
Rivet heads must completely fi ll the countersinks in the
bar body and be snug and secure while still allowing the
sprocket to freely turn. See Figure 28.
Figure 28. Replacing Rivets
7. Using a fl at fi le, shave the rivet heads to a uniform height
that is as close to the bar body as possible. See Figure 29.
Figure 29. Filing Rivets