Good to know!
While being in Morphine Mode, you can
even kill enemies from the front.
Whenever Violette is going through her memories and recalls an extre-
mely stressful situation, she starts shaking from her fever dreams. Then,
her nurse in the hospital injects her with morphine to calm her down. As
Violette cannot differentiate between reality and dream in her state of
coma, she embeds the morphine into her past and it helps her to cope with
a difficult situation in her mission.
Whenever you use one of the morphine syringes you collected, time slows
down. Everything around you, even your enemies, is frozen. During this
mode, you can deal with the situation at hand, i.e. bring down an enemy
with a silent kill or try to hide somewhere but other actions are not possib-
le. Moreover, you should keep in mind that the Morphine Mode lasts for a
few seconds only – indicated by the ‘Morphine Bar‘ in the HUD.