Good to know!
There might be situations in which you are able
to interact with special objects, especially if
they are related to (secret) objectives, like:
- Plant explosives
- Destroy wooden shelves
blocking a passage
- Push a statue
- Climb through an open
- Move a painting
- Drop a cyanide pill
You will encounter various places where you can manipulate and interact
with different kind of objects. You can:
Unlock and open doors•
Peek through keyholes•
Climb ladders and fences•
Jump over gaps•
Crawl through ducts and holes•
Open safes to get hold of sensitive content•
Open weapon lockers and gain access to various weaponry•
Move, climb on, and jump down from crates•
Use levers•
Turn off radios•
Turn off the light by breaking fuse boxes •
Turn on or off machines•
Hide and change clothing in wardrobes and toilets•
Pick up and drop enemies’ bodies•
Pick up items like medikits, collectibles, ammo, letters, and much •