
Making various prints (Creative Print)
Adding pictures or characters to an image (Tool)
For all the Creative Print sub menus except for the Index Print, you can tap
[Tool] in a preview screen to display the Tool screen. The Tool screen allows
you to add pictures and characters to the desired position on an image. In each
Creative Print sub menu, the same character input screen as in the Tool screen
Tap [Tool] in the Creative Print
preview screen.
The Tool screen is displayed.
Tap the desired tool in the
Tools box and draw freehand
lines, put on stamps, input
characters, add cut out images,
or add messages in the
Icons Tools Functions
Pencil Displays the pencil screen to draw freehand line art on the
preview. (Page 49)
Type Displays the character input screen to enter characters to
be added to the preview. (Page 50)
Stamp Displays the stamp selection screen showing stamps to be
pasted to the preview. (Page 53)
Cut out Displays the shape selection screen to paste a selected
image with or without cut. (Page 54)
Message Displays the message selection screen showing messages
to be pasted to the preview. (Page 55)
Save Displays the dialog box to choose the destination media
where you save the edited image.
Exit Returns to the screen displayed before the Tool screen is
For printing, saving and other operations, see pages 36 and 37.
Preview Tools box