
Making various prints (Creative Print)
What you can do with the Creative Print menu
The Creative Print menu allows you to make a variety of prints.
To display the Creative Print top
menu, tap [Creative Print] below
the image list or preview screen:
Tap the desired item and make a card, calendar, split image, sticker or index
Items Functions
Card Adds a selected message and input characters to make an
original card. (Page 38)
Calendar Add a calendar of selected month(s) to an image or
images to make an original calendar. (Page 41)
Split Image Makes 2-, 4-, 9-, 13-, or 16-split images prints. (Page 43)
Sticker Makes a 9-split framed image sticker. (Page 44)
Index Print Makes an index print of all the images stored in the
“Memory Stick” or PC card. (Page 46)
To add pictures or characters to an image (Tool)
For all the Creative Print sub menus except for the Index Print, you can tap
[Tool] in a preview screen to display the Tool screen. In the Tool screen, you
can add drawings, stamps, characters, cut out images or messages to an image
(page 48).
To return to the previous procedure and redo the operation
Tap [Back]. The screen returns to the preceding procedure; do the procedure