6.Command Specification LOG SENSE
6-18 SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0
The following parameter codes are supported for each Error Counters Page:
Table 6-17: Error Counter parameter codes
Description Parameter
Length (Bytes)
0003h Total Errors Corrected (Soft Errors) 4 0 FFFFFFFFh
0004h Total Times Correction 4 0 FFFFFFFFh
0005h Total Groups Processed (Algorithm
0006h Total Errors Uncorrected (Hard Errors) 4 0 FFFFFFFFh
6.6.5. Last N Error Events List (07h)
This page is used to report information on soft and hard errors encountered by the device during normal operation.
Each parameter corresponds to an encountered error and is a report of what type of error occurred and when it
occurred. The format of the page is given below:
Table 6-18: Last N Error Events Page
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Reserved Page Code (07h)
1 Reserved
2 (MSB) Page Length (n*14)
3 (LSB)
Table 6-19:Error Events Descriptors
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 (MSB) Parameter Code
1 (LSB)
2 DU (0) DS (1) TSD (0)
ETC (0)
TMC (00) LBIN (0) LP (0)
3 Parameter Length (0Ah)
4 Parameter Value
The Parameter Codes supported are 1 through 30 where 30 is the maximum number of entries in the log page.
If there are no entries, the command will return the Page Header with the Page Length field set to ZERO.
Each error event record contains diagnostic information for a single error encountered by the device. The
parameter codes associated with the error-event records indicate the order in which the errors occurred. A higher
parameter code indicates that the error event occurred later in time.
Each parameter entry is 10 bytes long and has the following format:
Table 6-20: Error Event format
Byte Offset Meaning
0 – 4
6 – 9
Result Message (see Diagnostic Clause)
Time-stamp (number of 1 minute increments since power-on)
When the log page becomes full, no more entries will be added until the log is cleared (using one of the methods
described previously) or a reset occurs. The current cumulative values will be returned regardless of the page
control field in the LOG SENSE CDB.