SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0 6-75
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Operation Code (1Ch)
1 Reserved
2 Reserved
3 (MSB) Allocation Length
4 (LSB)
5 Control
The RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS command requests error analysis data to be sent to the initiator after
completion of a SEND DIAGNOSTIC command.
Allocation Length: This field specifies the number of bytes that the initiator has allocated for returned diagnostic
data. An Allocation Length of ZERO means that no diagnostic data will be transferred. Any other value indicates
the maximum number of bytes that will be transferred.
The drive returns four bytes of header data as well as eight bytes of the diagnostic result. If the PF bit was not set,
the drive returns only the eight bytes of the diagnostic result.
The drive terminates the DATA-IN phase when Allocation Length bytes have been transferred or when all the
available diagnostic data (four or eight bytes depending on the PF bit) have been transferred to the initiator,
whichever, is less.
If the drive returns a CHECK CONDITION status with the HARDWARE ERROR Sense Key and an ASC of
DIAGNOSTIC FAILURE set on completion of a SEND DIAGNOSTIC, then the initiator will issue a RECEIVE
DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS command to receive the eight bytes of data indicating the actual failure and the Most
Suspect Unit (MSU).
If the initiator issued a SEND DIAGNOSTIC with the PF bit set and a page Code of ZERO, the drive returns which
pages it supports in the following format:
Table 6-79: RECEIVE DIAGNOSTICS supported pages
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Page Code (00h)
1 Reserved
2 (MSB) Page Length (00 02h)
3 (LSB)
4 Supported Page Code (00h)
5 Supported Page Code (81h)
If the initiator issued a SEND DIAGNOSTIC with the PF bit set and a Page Code of 81h, the drive returns the
following four bytes of page header, then five bytes of diagnostic results.
Table 6-80: RECEIVE DIAGNOSTICS page header
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Page Code (81h)
1 Reserved
2 (MSB) Page Length (00 05h)
3 (LSB)
The structure of the diagnostic results data is described below:
All error messages are of the same format. All fields within the error message may not be known or applicable.
A diagnostic result of all ZEROs is returned if the diagnostic completed successfully without error.