4. Labelprinting
Data preparation:
Our server is ready to receive 24 hours on workdays.
Prior to the data transfer, please inform our Graphics
Studio (Tel.: +43/(0)6246/880-448) in order to ensure
that sufficient storage space is available. With ISDN,
a laser print-out is not supplied compared to data
delivery on storage media. Therefore, such a laser
print-out must be faxed to our Graphics Studio
(Fax: +43/(0)6246/880-392).
Data compression:
All compression algorithms available for Apple
Macintosh (e.g. Stuffit, ”.sit”, Self Extracting Archives
for MAC ”.sea”, Disk-Doubler, ZIP, etc.) can be used.
Files edited under DOS/Windows can be compressed
using PkZip or WinZip.
Due to the high transmission time (100 KB per minute)
data transfer via Internet is only suited for ”emergen-
cies” such as sending missing components (including
fonts, logos, Tiff or EPS files).
Our Internet address is:
Please inform our Graphics Studio prior to transmission
(Tel.: +43/(0)6246/880-448).
Data compression:
All compression algorithms available for Apple Macin-
tosh (e.g. Stuffit, ”.sit”, Self Extracting Archives for MAC
”.sea”, Disk-Doubler, ZIP, etc.) can be used. Files edited
under DOS/Windows can be compressed using PkZip
or WinZip.
4.9 Production
of the Label Film
We offer the production of finished printwork and of
label film by our Graphics Studio.
Sony DADC requires a layout or a sketch of your des-
ired design with all necessary information. After label
film production, you will receive a fax copy from us for
production release or for modifications to be carried
out. We are also able to carry out the production of the
colour separations required (lithos) for four-colour prin-
ting (Picture Disc or High Definition Picture Disc).
Please contact our Customer Service department for
film production prices.
Please note that 2 to 3 days are needed for the pro-
duction of label films.
Data delivery:
Place all files (copy, fonts, Tiff/EPS, info file) in a
directory and mark it with your name and the date (if
necessary, use abbreviations such as ”Release 11.4.99”).
Enclose a text document to the files
containing the following data:
• With label films: number of colours used
(4c or Pantone).
• With inlay card films: indication of front and rear
• With other printwork films: all data required for
printing (e.g. 8-page Digipack).
• Fonts and Tiff/EPS files used
• Contact address for technical inquiries
(Graphics Studio tel./fax)
• Name of Customer Contact at Sony DADC
• Order Information associated with the
Catalogue Number.
Data delivery:
Send us an e-mail with the following information:
• Contact address for technical inquiries
(Graphics Studio tel./fax)
• Name of Customer Contact at Sony DADC
• Order Information associated with the Catalogue
Please provide:
• Slides, photos, drawings
• Layout (for positioning of texts, logos, graphics,
• Colour information (in cyan%, magenta%,
yellow% and black%)
• Indication of print specifications
(specification F, G or H)
• Indication of printing process
(screen printing or offset printing)