2. DVD Video
2.3.12 Separate audio
masters, digital
audio programs
For DVDs with digital multichannel sound, a separate
audio mastertape is required for each soundtrack.
These should be of either Sony PCM-3324 format,
Sony PCM-800 format or equivalent and must contain
the final mix of the 5.1 channels – front left, front right,
left surround, right surround, centre low frequency
channel – as discrete tracks. The encoding of these
tracks to the specified digital multichannel datastream
is carried out during the DVD premastering process. General
Menus are the key to navigation on a DVD disc. They
allow the user to locate any chapter point on the disc,
change the language for the movie or display subtitles
in any of the languages provided.
Basic menu structure:
Sony DCE has all the equipment and skills required
to prepare menu screens from scratch or by using refer-
ences such as existing artwork (e.g. LD or VHS packa-
ging) for graphics, movie captures for animations, 3D
modelling, Internet convergence, eCommerce integra-
tion and other multimedia applications for DVD.
We therefore will readily accept your order to design the
menu screens for you. Backgrounds
When designing backgrounds, six major issues need to
be addressed. These are Image Size, Safe Area, Colour
Depth, Interlacing, File Format and Naming Convention. Image Size
Computer pixels have an aspect ratio of 1:1. However,
NTSC pixels are 0.9:1 and PAL pixels are 1.0667:1. This
discrepancy causes the menu background to look dis-
torted when exported to D-1 video; NTSC D-1 menus
are compressed horizontally and PAL D-1 menus are
compressed vertically. The menus should be distorted
at design time to counter the effects of TV distortion.
For NTSC the menus should be pre-compressed verti-
cally and for PAL, the menus should be pre-com-
pressed horizontically. To accomodate PAL and NTSC
requirements and to compensate for these known dis-
tortions, the menus for NTSC should be designed
at 720x540 pixels and for PAL at 768x576 pixels.
For NTSC, resize the image to a height of 480 pixels,
keeping the width at 720 and for PAL, resize the image
to a width of 720, keeping the height at 576. At this
point the menus will look distorted on a computer
screen, but this will be compensated for when they are
exported to D-1 or DigiBeta.
Mastertape Channel Content
1 Front left
2 Front right
3 Left Surround
4 Right Surround
5 Center
6 Low frequency channel
resize horizontally
resize vertically
768 Pixels
720 Pixels
720 Pixels
720 Pixels
576 Pixels
576 Pixels
540 Pixels
480 Pixels