Chapter 3 Menu
Chapter 3 Menu
4 NEW button
Touch this button to store the current mixer settings as
a new snapshot data.
The lowest unused number is used for the new
snapshot and it is temporarily named “# + xx” (xx is
the snapshot number).
5 STORE button
Touch this button to store the current mixer setting to
the snapshot data selected on the snapshot list 3.
6 DELETE button
Touch this button to delete the snapshot selected on
the snapshot list 3.
7 RECALL button
Touch this button to recall the snapshot selected from
the snapshot list 3.
8 UNDO button
Touch this button to cancel the previous snapshot
9 KEYBOARD button
Touch this button to open the KEYBOARD window.
This KEYBOARD window allows you to enter or
change the name of a snapshot.
0 FUNCTION (local) buttons
When you touch the FUNCTION button, the
corresponding function is not recalled when the
SNAPSHOT RECALL is perfomred. Other functions
not listed beloware recalled by snapshot on
independently of the FUNCTION LOCAL button
• IN ROUT button removes the INPUT ROUTER, ∅,
TRIM, DELAY functions.
• EQ/FIL button removes the equalizer and filter
• DYNA button removes the dynamics functions.
• AUX SND button removes the aux send functions.
• CUT button removes the cut functions.
• ASSIGN button removes the assign functions.
• PAN button removes the panning and surround
panning functions.
• FADER button removes the fader and MTR send
• GP button removes the fader group settings.
The FUNCTION (local) buttons only affect
SNAPSHOT RECALL. All of the mixer’s processing
parameters are saved, regardless of the FUNCTION
button status.
CH 1 to PGM buttons: Touch the button
corresponding to the channel that you want to remove
buttons only affect the SNAPSHOT RECALL, and all
of the mixer’s channels are saved in snapshots
regardless of the ISOLATE CHANNEL button status.
ALL ON button: Sets all channels to the ISOLATE
ALL OFF button: Clears the ISOLATE function of
all channels