Chapter 16 Engineering Setup
Setup Relating to Switcher Processor
The status area shows the stroke mode setting for each M/E bank, the
setting for whether or not the key status is maintained, and the one-time
mode setting.
In the <Stroke Mode> group, select whether to carry out a transition in one
stroke or two strokes.
Normal: Carry out a preset color mix with two transition operations.
Single: Carry out a preset color mix with a single transition operation.
In the <Non Drop Key> group, select the key setting for a transition
including a key.
To carry out the transition with the key state maintained, press [Key1] to
[Key4], turning them on. (See “Transition Types” in Chapter 1 (Volume
If each time a transition ends the transition type is to return to the previous
setting, press [One Time Enable].
Settings relating to fader lever operations
To select the way in which the fader lever position and the transition progress
are related, use the following procedure.
In the Switcher>Transition menu, press [Transition Curve].
The Transition Curve menu appears.
In the <Fader Curve> group, select the fader lever operation mode.
Normal: The transition progress is linear, according to the fader lever
position. (Factory default setting)
Adv Tally Mode: When the fader lever is moved from the end of its travel,
the tally is output slightly before the transition starts.
Settings Relating to Keys, Wipes and Frame Memory
(Key/Wipe/FM Menu)
For settings relating to keys, wipes and frame memory, use the Switcher>Key/
Wipe/FM menu.
To display the Key/Wipe/FM menu
In the Engineering Setup menu, select VF3 ‘Switcher’ and HF5 ‘Key/Wipe/