113Displaying the Timeline Menu
Chapter 13 Keyframe Effects
a Keyframe status
This shows the region name, register number, register name, number of
remaining keyframes, current position and timecode with regard to the
reference region.
b Region name and register number
This shows the region name and the number of the register recalled in this
The display color indicates the region selection as follows.
Blue: reference region
White: selected region
Gray: not selected region
c Delay (numerical display)
This shows the delay between carrying out an effect operation, and the start of
the actual effect.
d Keyframe number / total
This shows the number of the keyframe at the cursor position, and the total
number of keyframes in the register.
e Display start time
This shows the timecode value for the timeline display start point.
f Display end time
This shows the timecode value for the timeline display end point.
g Delay (display on timeline)
When a delay is set, the interval is shown by a blue line.
h Pause point
A āPā appears where a pause is set.
i Total timeline length
The total time of delays and effect duration appears in white.
j Effect duration
The total duration of the effect appears in orange.
k Knob adjustment display
Turning the corresponding knob scrolls the timeline display, allowing you to
see the timeline for regions that were previously hidden.