
viii. The 24-hour emergency number required by Step 6bx of this part, must appear in
the ‘Additional Handling Information’ section of the Declaration for Dangerous Goods.
The information on the Declaration for Dangerous Goods must be entered strictly in
accordance with the order specified in the latest edition of the International Air Transport
Association, Dangerous Goods Regulations. Questions regarding completion of a Shipper's
Declaration for Dangerous Goods should be directed to the Radiation Safety Officer.
[49CFR172.402(b); 49CFR172.204(c)]
Part E - Shipment of empty packages which previously contained radioactive material
1 Assure that the package does not contain a radioactive source.
2 If the shipping package is to be placed inside a crate or other outer packaging, the outer
packaging must be strong enough to withstand the normal conditions of transport and
must not reduce the safety of the package. The shipping package must be placed within
the outer package with sufficient blocking to prevent shifting during transportation.
3 Assure that the levels of removable radioactive contamination on the outside surface
of the outer package do not exceed 0.001 microcurie per 100cm
. Assure that the levels of
radioactive contamination on the inside of the package does not exceed 0.1 microcurie per
. [49CFR173.428; 49CFR173.443]
4 Survey the package at the surface and at 1m from the surface. Assure that the surface
radiation level does not exceed 0.5mRem/hr (5µSv/hr) and there is no measurable radiation
level at 1m from the surface. Assure that any labels which had been previously applied are
removed, obliterated or covered. Affix an EMPTY label to the package. [49CFR173.29(e);
5 Mark the outside of the package with the statement ‘Exempt from specification
packaging, shipping paper and certification, marking and labeling and exempt from the
requirements of 49CFR Parts 171-178 except requirements within those parts relating to
the reporting of incidents and decontamination, the training requirements of Subpart H of
Part 172 and the shipping paper requirements of Subpart C of Part 172. This exemption is
Authorized per 49CFR173.428.’
Additionally, a notice must be enclosed in or on the package, included with the packaging
list or otherwise forwarded with the package. The notice must include the name of the
consignor or consignee and the statement:
‘This package conforms to the conditions and limitations specified in 49CFR173.428 for
Excepted Radioactive Material, Empty Packages, UN2908’ [49CFR173.422; 49CFR173.428]
6 Properly complete the shipping papers including:
a For all shipments the following statements:
‘Exempt From Specification Packaging, Shipping Paper and Certification, Marking and
Labeling and Exempt from the Requirements of 49CFR Parts 171-178 Except
Requirements within those Parts Relating to the Reporting of Incidents and
decontamination, the training requirements of Subpart H of Part 172 and the shipping
paper requirements of Subpart C of Part 172. This exemption is Authorized
per 49CFR173.428.’
‘This Package Conforms to the Conditions and Limitations Specified in 49CFR 173.428
for Radioactive Material, Excepted Packages - Empty Packaging, UN2908’.
b Your company's 24-hour emergency telephone number.
7 For air shipments, the shipping papers must meet the requirements specified in IATA for a
Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods. In addition to the information listed in section 6
of this part, the following information needs to be specified: